Fundy Treasures

 Joggins, Nova Scotia, Canada 

Visit the site of Canada's oldest dinosaurs while exploring a treasure trove of gems, crystals and minerals!  Located in Parrsboro.  

Treasure Island Gem & Mineral Tour- 1 hr.

Crystals & Dinosaurs- 4 hrs.

Crystals & Dinosaurs! - 4 hrs.
Crystals & Dinosaurs! - 4 hrs. $145.00 $145.00
Treasure Island Gem & Mineral Tour- 1.5 hr.
Treasure Island Gem & Mineral Tour- 1.5 hr. $75.00 $75.00
Gemstones in the Rough- 4 hrs.- Parrsboro Shore
Gemstones in the Rough- 4 hrs.- Parrsboro Shore $185.00 $185.00