Fundy Treasures

 Joggins, Nova Scotia, Canada 


A Fossil like no Other!

Brian’s new and exciting fossil discovery has recently been published in the prestigious Journal of Nature!
We’d like to introduce you to Dendromaia Unamakiensis. Dendromaia means “Tree Mother” and Unamakiensis is the traditional Mi’kmaq word for Cape Breton for where it was found.
This is a unique find due to the fact there is a juvenile fossilized right next to her. They both look like modern day lizards and were fossilized inside a hollowed our tree 309 million years ago near Sydney, Cape Breton.
The fossil represents what could be the oldest evidence In the world of parental care in amniotes (the first animals that were able to lay eggs on land).
Brian has been collaborating with Dr. Hillary Madden and the Earth Sciences team at Carleton University in Ottawa for the past few years and is grateful to them for taking an interest in Nova Scotia Fossils. He is very excited about this and is looking forward to more upcoming projects with them!

Smithsonian Magazine Lizard-Like Fossil May Represent 306-Million-Year-Old Evidence of Animal Parenting

National Geographic Magazine Prehistoric parenting goes back even further than we thought

The Guardian 300m-year-old fossil is early sign of creatures caring for their young

The Chronicle Herald A Fossil Like no Other

CTV News Live at 5

CBC Listen On Demand- Ottawa Morning with Robyn Bresnahan

Air Canada enRoute Magazine Must have Souvenirs from your next trip to Nova Scotia

Saltwire Article: Old Science, New Technology Combine to Unlock Mysteries of Joggins Fossil Cliffs

Saltwire Article: Beauty in Your Own Backyard

Faux Pas Rever: Acadie- Documentary

In the summer of 2016 a film crew from France included our tour in a documentary titled Faux Pas Rever: Acadie.

View the documentary by clicking the button below! Scroll to approx. 1:01-1:06 to see our fossil tour in action!

CBC Land and Sea - Joggins

For over 150 years, scientists from around the world have traveled to the shores of the Bay of Fundy to study the world-famous fossil cliffs at Joggins, Nova Scotia. In the summer of 2008, the cliffs were declared a UNESCO World Heritage Site.

The Joggins fossil cliffs have given scientists volumes of evidence of life on earth 315 million years ago. We meet two young scientists, including Brian Hebert, who are taking on the role of protecting and studying the cliffs. Meet the new guardians of the Joggins fossil cliffs on the Land and Sea episode below.

Running time 22:07.

Saltscapes Magazine- Meet the Makers